Period underwear without biocides: Natural protection

Blonde und braunhaarige Frau lachend im Arm in schwarzer Periodenunterwäsche und gelben und lila Pullover auf braunem Hintergrund
Biocides dominate the headlines again and again. The chemical substances, which are said to have a bacteriostatic effect, are increasingly being used in textiles - including menstrual underwear. In this article we explain why this is not entirely safe and why we at femtis do not use biocides.

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Vaginismus - live and love freely

Frau in Unterwäsche drückt sich mit den Händen auf den Bauch
Have you ever heard of vaginismus? Vaginismus is a huge hurdle and emotional burden for couples who want to have children and makes sex life extremely difficult for many women. What problems vaginismus can cause and how they can possibly be solved. We at femtis want to give you an overview of this important topic.

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Diet during the period

Periodentasse in Hand gefüllt mit roten Perlen auf roten Hintergrund
Did you know that your digestion works differently during your period and that you don't tolerate certain foods as well? Here we tell you how you can optimise your diet during your period.

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Period Panty FAQ: Everything you need to know about period panties

Blonde und braunhaarige Frau in Periodenunterwäsche mit Zeitschrift auf Sofa
Are you interested in period underwear, but unsure whether it's really right for you? In this article we will answer all your questions about menstrual underwear!

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