PMS: What is it and what helps?

Frau in weißen Tshirt schaut aus Fensterfront in Natur mit Palmen
Often people talk about menstrual cramps - but what if you feel bad days before your period starts? Then you might be suffering from premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short. We at femtis have summarised for you what exactly PMS is, how you can recognise it and what remedies help.   There is no general definition of PMS, because neither the cause nor the diagnosis have been conclusively researched. However, women report that they suffer from PMS symptoms about two weeks to a few days before their period, so premenstrual syndrome only refers to symptoms before your period starts. When your period...

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PCO syndrome: meaning, causes and treatment

Turm aus gestapelten Steinen mit weiteren Steinen im Hintergrund
You usually only notice that something is wrong with your hormone balance when your cycle is no longer regular. Or have you been feverishly waiting for a baby for months and just can't get pregnant? Are you also struggling with your weight? If this is the case, then you might be one of the ten percent of young women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO). We at femtis want to educate and connect those affected.

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Labia or vulva: Which is the better term?

Frauenhand mit Orange in Form wie Vulva in Hand vor lila Hintergrund
What do female genitals have to do with shame? Why vulva is more accurate than labia and what it has to do with feminism.

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Lexikon der weiblichen Hormone

Blonde und braunhaarige Frau lachend im Arm haltend in Periodenunterwäsche vor braunem Hintergrund
Hast Du Dich schon mal gefragt, wie der weibliche Zyklus in Deinem Körper funktioniert? Wie die Organe miteinander kommunizieren und wie sie mit dem Gehirn verbunden sind? Das Zauberwort heißt „Hormone”.

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