Be environmentally friendly with these sustainable period products

Frau schaut hinter grüner Pflanze verdeckt hervor
For a few years now, there has been a new trend towards sustainable period products. Many women are trying to switch to environmentally friendly menstrual products and live more sustainably and consciously. In this article, we will introduce you to environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional pads and tampons.

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Labia or vulva: Which is the better term?

Frauenhand mit Orange in Form wie Vulva in Hand vor lila Hintergrund
What do female genitals have to do with shame? Why vulva is more accurate than labia and what it has to do with feminism.

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Lexikon der weiblichen Hormone

Blonde und braunhaarige Frau lachend im Arm haltend in Periodenunterwäsche vor braunem Hintergrund
Hast Du Dich schon mal gefragt, wie der weibliche Zyklus in Deinem Körper funktioniert? Wie die Organe miteinander kommunizieren und wie sie mit dem Gehirn verbunden sind? Das Zauberwort heißt „Hormone”.

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Vaginal dryness: causes & tips for treatment

Rissiger brüchiger Sandboden
About every fifth woman suffers from dry vaginal skin. After the age of 45, almost every second woman is affected. Nevertheless, vaginal dryness is apparently still a taboo subject. Many women feel uncomfortable talking about it. After all, vaginal dryness affects both their own well-being and their love life. So it's high time to explain vaginal dryness once and for all - because it can have many causes and can usually be dealt with quickly.

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